Trenchant, The English Debating Society


Serving as an abode for public speaking enthusiasts, Trenchant; The English Debating Society of Maitreyi College, is known to nurture students into quality debaters and writers to bring home accolades and awards at competitions within and outside of the DU-Circuit. The society has always strived to create an environment that is inclusive, competitive and engrains in its members’ the skills to stimulate the highest level of decision-making. The society incorporates three wings- the Model United Nations Wing (MUN), the Parliamentary Debating Wing (PD), and the Creative Writing Wing (CW).


The word ‘Trenchant’ signifies the ability to articulate opinion in a clear, effective, and incisive manner. We, in this regard aim to establish a platform where students with a knack of public speaking can refine their skills and foster the confidence that is necessary to convey orations that are powerful and insightful. Moreover, incorporating the Creative Writing wing as part of the debate society resonates with our commitment to inclusivity and fostering creativity and aligns with our vision to provide a safe-space for growth of writers, poets, and debaters alike.


As Trenchant seeks to broaden its membership, we are actively engaged in internal developments to adapt to the evolving times so that we can provide our members with the most pertinent resources and skills in the realms of public speaking, debating, and writing. The society is presently infused with the mission to cultivate growth and innovation by facilitating members’ engagement with styles of debating and writing revered at both national and international platforms. Our society undertakes two flagship events each academic year- namely, Crossfire; a Conventional Debate competition and Knyte Noir; a Blackout Poetry competition under the initiative of Rhapsody: The Annual Cultural fest of Maitreyi College.

Society Activities

The debating wings (MUN and PD) each holds information and discussion sessions on significant socio-politico-economic issues. The MUN wing conducts discussion to engage with the ongoing agendas in the MUN circuit for Indian and International Committees, preparing its members for the same. The PD wing organises mock debates on a variety of motions, training its members to excel as debaters and adjudicators. The CW wing session consists of the members going over several genres, interpreting verses, and rewriting endings, among other things.

Office Bearers 2023-24

  • President : Rupam Gupta : B.A. (H) Political Science.
  • Vice-President : Harshita Bagga : B.A. (H) English

Social Media Handles


Pictures of events organised